Proxy Server and Client

The Proxy Client makes calls into the server via a proxy class that the user defines. Python object data is passed back to the client via pickling.

There are a few things to note about this process... * All processing defined in the proxy class happens on the server side * Whenever you connect (via get_proxy_class) the proxy is instantiated on the server. This means all data is passed through the proxy but is generally not part of the proxy (ie... global xdata, not self.xdata). * Any object that can be pickled can but sent but there are some limits such as pickled data can't be larger than 4GB


# In the Server File
from dataserve import run_proxy_server
xdata = 1

class MyProxyClass(object):
     def get_xdata(self, val):
         global xdata
         return xdata + val
     def get_ydata(self):
         return 2

run_proxy_server(MyProxyClass, port=5000)

# In the Client File
from dataserve import get_proxy_class

client = get_proxy_class('MyProxyClass', port=5000)
ret_val = client.get_xdata(val=5)
ret_val = client.get_ydata()

See more complete examples in the repository's tests/manual directory: RunProxyServer and TestProxyServer.



run_proxy_server(proxy_class, port)

This function starts the server.

Arguments: * proxy_class is a class definition, not an instantiated object. * port is the port to serve the data on

This method blocks until a keyboard interrupt is received.


get_proxy_class(proxy_name, port, host='localhost')

This function retrieves a reference to the proxy.

Arguments: * proxy_name must be the same name as the user defined class * port needs to be the same port used in the server. * host default to localhost. Supply an ip address if connecting to a remote computer.

Returns: an instantiated proxy object allowing the user access to any of the methods they've defined.